Saturday, June 30, 2007

Well, hello there

I went to a hair salon opening today. And I totally rock because I won a $75 gift certificate as a door prize. Oh yeah! And my toddler is asleep. And my husband is gone. He slipped out of the house muttering something like "I can't take this shit" after I got home from the celebration. See, he had been home watching the child. My cousin was gracious enough to go with me to the salon grand opening, which was totally fun, but my husband had to stay home with the child. I am a bit toasty, what with lots of margaritas. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I had a good time tonight. Which is important. I understand my hubby's frustration, but whatever. I spent two hours grocery shopping with the child earlier today. That was hell. How do people decide to have a second? Anyone? Miss Kellye is pregnant, BD just had her second, and Sabrina gave birth to a fourth? Holy moly. I really do want more than one child, but I feel crazy already. How does one make that decision? Oh yeah, I neglected to mention that my sister-in-law just had a third yesterday. WOW. She's still in the hospital.

I just created my new google account for this blog, and I decided to post something. I know I'm a sucky blogger, I don't need anyone to twist the knife. But I still love you internet. And I really love the one to three people who still periodically check back her for updates. You guys are awesome. I miss you!