Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Fourteen Months

Dear Sofia,
Last Tuesday you turned fourteen months old. Fourteen months old! You are a big toddler, but you are still my sweet little baby. When your daddy and I clown around with you and rock you like a baby singing "Rock a Bye Baby" you laugh and laugh, as if you know you're too big for such things. You just keep growing, Wee. You are getting more and more beautiful with each passing day, with big, beautiful curls on your head and giant, velvety, brown eyes.

You talk so much, Sofia! You say "dinothah" (dinosaur), "cooold", "hot" and so many more words, but your favorite words are "mama" and "dada", which makes your mama and dada very happy. You say both on cue, and we love it! You are so adorable.

We finally put your swing up in the backyard, and I think swinging is your favorite thing to do! The past few times we've been in the yard you constantly walk back to your swing pointing and babbling, wanting more. You love the yard, and I'm so happy we have a yard with trees and plants and lots of good grass. You love running around the yard, picking up acorns and rocks. Unfortunately you stick everything in your mouth! And you're a naughty little thing quickly running away from me when I ask you for what's in your mouth.

I skipped work yesterday and we carved a pumpkin together. You kept picking up the pumpkin chunks, trying to feed them to your dad and me. We took you to the Houston Zoo this weekend for Zoo Boo! You had a good time! You also had your halloween party at school today. You were a cat for halloween, and I thought I would fall over and die from the cuteness overdose. Your costume was adorable. Your dad found it for you. The two of you went shopping on his day off. I came home from work and you and he were returning from a walk with a pumpkin in the stroller. Tonight I couldn't help thinking about how you'll be trick or treating in a few short years. How the time is flying.

You still sleep with us, Sofia, in the family bed. I sometimes wish I could move you to your crib, but I cherish the warmth of your precious little body next to me at night. You are still nursing at fourteen months. Every now and then your dad says, "she's a little big to be nursing, isn't she?", but I don't mind. You pull at my shirt and say "chi chi". I love mornings with you, especially weekends. These are the days you wake up on your own and you're in a happy mood, sometimes climbing on top of me. And almost always, the first thing you say when you wake up is "mama".

I love you so much, Sofia. I am so thankful that I have you in my life. You are beautiful and perfect and I will always love you, my precious little Wee. Every morning I wake up, I kiss you and thank God for you. Every day I leave work, I think about you and can't wait to go get you from school. As we drive home, I can't wait to get home to carry you into the house and spend time with you. You make me so happy, Sofia. You are the best part of my life.



At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!! Thanks for posting pictures. WOWWWW. She has grown and changed so much! Congratulations on your new house too! I read about that a while back but havent gotten back to comment! Im so happy for you guys!

And a BIG congrats to still breast feeding. That is AWESOME. Im hoping Emma and I make it to a year. ( Im not stopping, but she could self-ween)


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