Sofia: Ten (and a half) months
Dear Sofia,
You are ten and a half months old. I was pregnant with you last year at this time! I haven't been that great about recording your birthday on the mark these days, but your daddy and I always wish you a happy birthday with each month you grow older. And I can't believe how the months just slip by. You turned ten months old on June 24th. You are right around 23 lbs and growing like a weed!
Over the past month and half you have sworn off Gerber baby foods. You eat nothing but big people food. You eat all kinds of veggies. And you especially love broccoli. You eat chicken, crackers, pasta, ravioli...pretty much everything. And you love feeding yourself. And if we try to pull a fast one and give you some jarred baby food you turn your nose up and try to hit the spoon out of our hands! The exception is fruit. You still love the Gerber fruit. I've started giving you Mott's applesauce too, and you love it. You are also a big fan of yogurt. Your dad and I have to watch out whenever we're snacking and you spot us because you come over to us and practically attack us for whatever it is we're eating. Sometimes you're worse than the cats!
You're still talking plenty and say "dada" pretty well. You also try very hard to say "kitty cat", and you adore the cats! I worry about them scratching you because you are constantly poking and pulling at them. So far, no scratches. It is so adorable when you get to Whiskers because you rest your little head on her and put your arms around her. It's so sweet the way you show affection. You do that to me and your dad too when we lie on the floor with you.
I heard you say "duck" the other day. Only it was more like "duh!" when I sang Old MacDonald. Then you followed it with "kah" when I did the quacking. You're getting there Wee, you're getting there. When I sit with you and point out colors and animals, I see the look in your eyes like you're really trying to figure it all out and make sense of it all. You're dad and I were so excited when you figured out how to put the balls through the tunnel on your Leap Frog toy. It is absolutely amazing watching you learn and hearing the excitement in your voice.
We took you to the beach a few times in June, and you loved it.

I think you're pretty close to walking. You get braver and braver everyday and are already standing up from a sitting position. You squat and then stand. It is so cute. Sometimes you start shaking your hands and then you fall, as if the excitement is just too much!
You can point out mama's and daddy's ears and noses when I ask you where your nose and ears are. You point to lights when I ask where they are. You point to cats when I ask where they are (and squeal with excitement).
You have another ear infection. This brings the grand total to six. It is very hard for me and your dad to see you sick so often, but you respond well to antibiotics and I'm hoping we don't ever have to get tubes in your ears.
Your dad and I are looking to buy a house, Sofia. A house you can call your very own. A house with trees and yard just for you. I hope we find one soon. I want the very best for you.
When I look at you, Sofia, I feel awe and wonder. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. I love discovering the world with you.
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