Monday, May 22, 2006


Haven't blogged much lately. Things have been busy. I am upset that the Spurs lost to the Mavericks tonight, but oh well. On another note, I broke out in hives last week. Friday morning at around 3 am I woke up itching like hell. I had hives all over. It's happened before. About a year and half ago, I started breaking out in hives when Robert and I went up to DC and New York for a week. They (the hives) stuck around on and off for about eight weeks. I went to an allergist who did all kinds of pokey, pin sticking tests on me, but couldn't find out what was causing them. Then they disappeared not to be seen again until this past Friday morning. So for the past few days I've been getting them on and off. They are a real nuisance. I took Benadryl a few times until I read that Allegra may work better and I wouldn't have to worry about the whole drying out of the breast milk or making the baby drowsy because of the medicine. I took some Allegra last night and so far so good. No sign of hives today. I am also getting over a nasty cold, so I was a miserable creature this past weekend.

We went shopping this weekend for wedding gifts (yes, I was all bumpy and itchy). Robert and I are going to two weddings this upcoming weekend. And I have nothing new to wear. I quickly came to the conclusion that I would have to be wearing a rerun of the outfit I wore to Sofia's baptism to at least one wedding after I realized I have no time to go shopping. I guess I'll pull out an old dress for the other. Kind of sucks. One of the weddings is a traditional Indian wedding. I've never been to an Indian wedding before and I'm pretty excited about going. I wanted to wear something pretty and bright, but I guess that's not going to happen.

We are actually going to these weddings sans Sofia. We have not actually had an outing without Sofia. At least not in Houston. In San Antonio, when we visit, if we visit friends we can leave Sofia with my parents. But here, we have no babysitter. But this weekend, my mom and my sister and her husband are actually coming to visit and offered to watch Sofia while we go to these weddings. Isn't that the coolest? I'm pretty excited to see my family this weekend. I miss them.

Sofia had her nine-month checkup this morning. She's a couple of days shy of nine months. She is doing well. Cutting teeth and taking names. Her doc says we can start feeding her table food, but I am terrified that she will choke on everything. How does one get over this fear? Before she gets all her teeth, of course. She ate a piece of grass today. I like to take her outside to look at the grass and birds and what little trees there are in our neighborhood. She likes looking around, but she loves shoving grass in her mouth. I can usually grab it out of her hands or out of her mouth, but she had shoved a blade of grass in her mouth and before I knew it, it was gone. This child.

I will bring my babbling session to a close as I have to wake up at 5:30 am tomorrow for work. Good night.


At 9:17 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Addy prefers leaves to grass. I just count it as a vegetable serving.

At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ive had hives once and it was NOT enjoyable. When J was in boot camp, I was allowed to see him ONCE for an Easter service that they were letting the trainees attend and civilians. Wouldnt you know it, I got hives the day before. We hadnt seen each other in about 8 weeks and I felt so self concious.

At 5:57 AM, Blogger Sabrina said...

I got hives really bad over a year ago when TTC Damien. I used an herbal supplement that I was badly allergic to.

We still deal with some choking on texture, he hates it, and he's 10 mths. It's getting better though. Congrats on 9 mths!


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