Monday, September 18, 2006

NASA, diaper rash, and seven years

I am back. At least for the moment. Atlantis went off into space on September 9th, docked with the International Space Station two days later, and the crew installed a huge new piece of hardware to it after not building on it for years. I worked crazy hours, going in at 2:30 am for many days, but it was worth it. I worked hard and watching the crew perform spacewalks and watching the hardware perform was really amazing.

In other news, Sofia has a raging diaper rash. I mean BAD. The child cries and cries because of it. Poor little thing. We took her to the doc on Friday after a cold she had had not cleared up after many days. Her ears were fine, but her doc said it was probably a sinus infection so she prescribed her augmentin. A few days of that wonderful antibiotic and her little bum was so raw, I wanted to cry. I had been applying diaper cream to her bottom, letting her run around without a diaper (very dangerous) but nothing worked. Finally, I called her doctors office and ask that they switch her to something else. They prescribed her Omnicef. I hope her diaper rash goes away soon. It breaks my heart to see her so pained. I am applying lotrimin and diaper cream, hoping it works.

And last on my list of things to write about today...Robert and I were married seven years on August 21st. Isn't it pathetic that I just got around to posting about it? It is even more pathetic that we didn't really see each other on our anniversary since I had an all-day meeting at work that day and he worked that night. But I love him. And I think he knows. One of the last times I did laundry, as I cleaned out his pockets, do you know what I found? I found a baggie full of animal crackers and a pink barrette. Any man who carries stuff like that around in his pockets is a keeper. He is a wonderful father and husband, and I feel bad that I didn't dedicate a whole post to him.

But I am a few weeks late anyway, so whatever.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


It has been a long month, and the blogosphere has not heard a peep out of me. I have not been in hiding, I have been in house-hunting hell. I have also made stops in incredibly-overworked-and-underpaid hell, working-mommy hell, my-daughter's-favorite-teacher-no-longer-works-at-her-daycare hell, mother-in-law-came-to-visit hell, and I'm-a-broke-ass-fool hell. Oh yeah, can't forget tubes-in-my-child's-ears hell. I think there is light at the end of the tunnel but house-hunting hell is very dark and it sucks so I can't quite tell...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sofia: ONE YEAR!!!

Dear Sofia,
You turned one year on August 24th. A whole year old! You are such a big girl, and I just can't believe how you've grown so much. I remember the day you were born vividly. I remember how scared I was. How scared and thrilled your dad and I both were. At 7:06 pm, August 24th, 2005, you made your grand entrance into this world. It's amazing to look at you now and see the beautiful bright-eyed intelligent child you are growing up to be.

Sofia, you run circles around your daddy and me. Literally. You started walking around eleven months and never looked back! You walk like you were born doing it. Sure you don't like to check the path in front of you when you walk, and often stumble upon your toys laying all over, but you get the job done. I remember a little over a month ago, we went to the mall and I let you walk around a little as I followed closely. You, of course, were drawn to the toy store with its bright colors and fancy toys. I remember the the scary realization that you were growing up. Not just growing up, but really growing up. Walking. You are your own person, Wee, with the ability to walk away from me. I, of course, immediately snatched you up. You are still so much a baby. You are my baby.

You said "mama" for the first time yesterday. Monday, September 4th, 2006. I will never forget it. Your dad was making dinner and I was playing with you in the kitchen when you lifted your arms to me and said "mama". Your dad and I both heard it. It was the most wonderful sounding word ever. Music to my ears.

You got tubes put into your ears the day after your birthday, you poor angel. Your dad and I kept hoping that your ear infections wouldn't keep coming back, but they did. Your ear, nose, and throat doctor recommended we get tubes put in your ears, so we made the appointment and got it done. It was very hard on us, but you were back to your old self that very evening. You were tired most of the day. Of course, the night before we went out to eat for your birthday and let you eat chocolate cake, which kept you up until midnight! You recovered well from your surgery. You are such a strong little girl, Sofia.

You have reached so many milestones it is hard to keep track. You're saying several words, including the old favorites like "dada" and "duck". You have also added "ball" and my favorite "mama". And you are starting to repeat things we say. You're dad and I think the tubes in your ears have helped to improve your hearing, as they should have.

You love pushing your boundaries! You love getting into things you aren't supposed to. Like the cats' water. Yesterday you sat right next to it and poured it all over yourself. When we tell you "no" to something, you do it more. Or faster. You like to throw your food over your high chair. Especially when we tell you not to. And you are so cute doing it, it's hard to keep a straight face, when all I want to do is grab you and kiss you. When you have something in your little chubby hands you aren't supposed to, and I ask you for it, you snatch your hand away and run. It is hilarious! I hope this isn't a sneak preview to your teenage years! You definitely have a mind of your own.

You're still breastfeeding, although we kicked the bottle habit a few weeks ago. Since then, you refuse most milk unless it comes from a breast, which is fine by me. You are still in love with your pacifier, which will be a harder habit to break.

We had your birthday celebration at Chuck E Cheese's! Your cousins came into town with your aunt and uncle (my brother and his wife) and we had a nice long weekend together. I'm sure you won't remember it, but we have plenty of photos. You always have lots of fun when you're with other kids. Your cousins adore you, just as you adore them. It was funny to see you handle yourself just fine with all your big boy cousins. You let them chase you around the house while you laughed and laughed.

You got some good stuff for your birthday, including a Fisher Price Rock, Roll, and Ride trike. You really love that thing. And you are quite the daredevil. You actually try to stand and climb while we're pushing you on it. You have gotten very good at holding the handlebars, and you look absolutely adorable riding it. You also got a lullaby glow worm, and you love pushing its button and making it play music over and over.

You made out like a little bandit for your birthday. You got all kinds of clothes and toys, pictures for your room, and books. You got a fancy toy cell phone too that you like holding up to your ear. You are very loved, Sofia.

I love you so much, Sofia, I can't even put it into words. You are beautiful and amazing and I can't believe I lived so long without you. You are my everything. Every moment I hold you in my arms, each time I listen to your beautiful little heart beating while you sleep, each time I chase you around and around the house, I realize how very blessed I am to have you in my life. Your daddy and I love you more than you will ever know, my sweet little angel.

Love always,