My time is running out
I was right. Robert got home from work and Sofia Wia woke up and cried and cried. Sometimes I take her into the bathroom and the sound of the running water from the faucet calms her down. That's what we did last night. Well, that and feed and change her. She is asleep now and I have managed to eat some cereal, brush my teeth and put my contacts in. I'd say I'm ahead of the game. I was checking my email earlier when I heard her stirring and I had an uncontrollable urge to jump back in bed and kiss and kiss her and hug her. Which is exactly what I did.
It seems all these bloggers are quitting their jobs to stay home with their little ones. I'm jealous. Does going back to work make me a bad mom? I would love to be able to stay home with Sofia at least for several more months, but our financial situation just doesn't allow it. And it's not like we live lavishly and require my paycheck to keep up some crazy expensive lifestyle. I mean, we need my paycheck to pay regular ol' bills like rent and student loans. Which sucks. I have a bigger salary than Robert, so I keep telling him (only half in jest) to quit his job and take care of Sofia. I don't want to leave her in daycare. She is so tiny. Will the daycare caregivers rock and sing to my baby? Will they pick her up when she cries? If my parents lived in Houston, I'd ask them to watch her a few days a week, but they're a couple hundred miles away. I'm not ready to leave my baby, and my leave is quickly disappearing.
Speaking of daycare, Robert and I visited one on Friday (our second visit)to pick up a registration packet and take another look around. We are trying to narrow down our choices. I was completely turned off when I saw one of the caregivers in the infant room feeding a nine-week-old infant propped up on a boppy. She wasn't even holding the baby. It made me sad. I don't want to have to leave Sofia with people who won't even hold her when they feed her. Needless to say, we won't be leaving Sofia at that particular daycare (for other reasons too), but wherever we leave her, no one can love her like I do.
In other news Sofia had a checkup at 7 weeks. She got four shots for her immunizations. Two in each chubby leg. Poor baby screamed her head off. She weighed in at 12 lbs 1 oz. I can't believe how fast she is growing!
We had visitors this weekend. Roberts's sister flew in with our niece from Maryland, and his mom drove in from San Antonio to see everyone. Our niece is about ten months old and very adorable. Adorable, but bratty. She kept taking Sofia's pacifier right out of her mouth and chewing on it! And no one took it away or told her "no". In fact her mom laughed and seemed to think all ten times she did it were cute. It was funny the first time she did it, but jeez. Anyway, we had a good visit and it was nice seeing the cousins together. We ate Mexican food all weekend because Robert's sister claims there is no good Mexican food in the DC area. Good times.
Of course you are not a bad mom. Fortunately some recent weather related events have allowed me to stay home longer with my baby. I feel for you. I'm terrified for the day that I have to bring her to daycare but I also know she'll do just fine.
Girl, do not feel pressured to stay home. You are not....repeat NOT a bad mom! We all have to do what makes sense in our situation. For us it would have been over 1/2 my take home in a HORRIBLY stressfull job to get decent childcare. I would definitely stay working if it financially made sense. don't doubt yourself and know that you have support in the mommy blog community (at least from me!!)
Take care,
You are making choices that millions of moms make every day. You are doing what is best for your family and THAT is what matters. Don't feel guilty for that. You are a great mom.
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