Friday, September 16, 2005


We have more visitors coming tomorrow. Gosh, we've had a busy week! My mother-in-law came to visit last weekend, which was nice. My best friend from high school came to visit me on Wednesday and left yesterday. That was awesome. I had so much fun just hanging out with her! She had a son two years ago and is a great mom. It was just really cool having her here. She left her man and her little boy in San Antonio and missed them but we had a great time. I had forgotten how much I missed her. It's nice having moms around who can answer questions about these first weeks and just motherhood in general. She brought me What to Expect the First Year, which I've been reading nonstop already. I can't wait until she visits again. Tomorrow my brother's coming to visit me. And he's bringing the whole familia. His familia, that is. His wife and his three sons! Whew. They are adorable. His oldest is 9 and his youngest is 8 months, so I know this visit will be interesting. They're only coming for one night, so if it's a little overwhelming, that's okay.

Today was nice, just Robert, me and Sofia. I wanted to get outside to take our first walk together, but it rained and rained all day. Heavy rain with thunder and lightning. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. We did give our baby a bath. And even though her umbilical stump is gone completely (I have no idea where to keep this stump either that the pediatrician gave us by the way -- it's still wrapped in a tissue in my purse) -- we have yet to give her a full bath. You know,immersing her in water and all. So we're still doing the sponge baths. She really loves getting her hair washed and GOD does she look cute!

All in all, things are good. I think Sofia had another growth spurt earlier in the week because for two to three days she couldn't get enough to eat. She was almost - quite literally - attached to my boob every five minutes. This is okay with me because I want her to grow big and strong, but truth be told...I could do without waking up to change her, feed her, burp her, change her again, and rock her back to sleep once or twice or night. But she's worth it.

Oh yeah, I am so pissed that I missed Survivor last night. Sucks.


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