Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Two Weeks

Sofia Elisa is two weeks old today! She had her two-week checkup and I am happy to report that she gained over a pound since last Wednesday! Her pediatrician was very impressed and God, I was so happy. I have been convinced that I am somehow messing up this breastfeeding thing, but she has apparently been getting plenty to eat so I can breathe a sigh of relief. Whew! Her doc said she looks good. Her crusty stump was removed by her doc (it was hanging by a thread) and we can now give her full baths, but have to keep treating it with alcohol. Uh-oh, how the hell do we do that? I guess we can give it a try. Robert's mom is coming to visit on Saturday to see her new grandchild. She can steer us in the right direction. Unfortunately she'll only stay for the night and has to head back home Sunday.

I also had my two week checkup today, and I am happy to report that I have lost 25 pounds. Of course, I gained 39 during the pregnancy so that still leaves me 14 pounds to lose. My doc said I can start walking but no high impact stuff like jogging for six weeks (as if). I told my doc about the baby blues and he said it's normal. Of course, I can't express how much better I felt today after learning that Sofia gained weight. I just feel like I'm doing something right and it feels really good. Also, Robert works nights his first two days back so he'll be here with me in the morning. I may get through this yet.

Sofia's doc said not to worry about waking her for feedings. She said she'll wake up when she's hungry. This also had me sighing in relief. I was so concerned about waking her for feedings that I was losing so much sleep. Last night I was up from 2 am to 7 am trying to feed her. She kept only eating for about three to five minutes at a time and then she was tough to get back to sleep. I finally gave up at 7 am. Then at 8 am, Robert woke me to inform me that she was hungry. I thought I'd go crazy.

Anyway, things are looking up. :)


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