Saturday, September 03, 2005

Breastfeeding ain't no Joke!

I can't believe how hard this breastfeeding thing is! The good news is that Sofia has decided to start latching on. Bad news is that my nipples are sore now again because of it (but not as sore as those first few days) and she wants to eat 24/7. Last night she ate starting at 11:30 pm straight until 2 pm today. With maybe an hour of sleep somewhere in between. Sometimes I feel like I must not be making enough milk! Also, I know they say to start with one breast and when the baby finishes then burp and offer the other breast. At 4:30 in the morning I have no idea which breast I gave her last and I'm offering her anything she'll take. I hope I can make it after my mom is gone and Robert goes back to work. With her attached to the boob, I'm not sure how I'll pee or eat or do anything else. I spend a lot of the day stressed out, and I really just want to enjoy her. Also, people from work want to come visit and I am nowhere near ready for that because I'm just not that comfortable with whipping out my boob in front of people from work visiting. And I don't want her crying the whole time. Will I ever feel sane again?

I felt so guilty last night/this morning because I so desperately wanted to sleep that I found myself shoving the pacifier in her mouth. She would take it for a few minutes before she realized it wasn't the boob. I tried breastfeeding on my side and that worked for a while, but nothing works for an extended period of time. I hope I'm doing this right. I wish I could get a break so I could pump some milk to have on hand for her, but I just tried right now (she's asleep -- my mom is holding her) and nothing is coming out! Maybe my boobs are dry...


At 9:36 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

No joke! My little one still doesn't like it though we have made some progress these past 3 days. Keep it up.

At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I can offer a word of advise it would be RELAX. Sophia wants to nurse, just relax and let her. Get a glass of milk or water for yourself, and allow your milk to come down.
Offer one breast, burp the baby, and offer the second breast in the same sitting.
Is there a LaLeche group near you? They are a wonderful support group. They sure helped me when I first started to nurse.


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