Monday, October 03, 2005

Home at Last

We finally got home yesterday. Robert flew into San Antonio Friday and we did, in fact, make our way over to the Austin area to visit a little more family on Saturday, then drove back to our place yesterday (Sunday). It was fun visiting, but I'm glad to be home, even though our house was bathed in perpetual darkness because Robert failed to take off the hurricane metal shutter thingies from the windows. He took some off today, but most of the house is still dark and depressing. Also, because of our mad dash out of here, the place is a big, fat mess. I have tons of laundry to do, and just general cleaning. Robert is sick (but at work anyway) and doesn't feel up to doing anything. Sofia has taken to crying for long periods of time. She did it Satuday night for the first time. She fussed and fussed and cried and cried and I kept trying to give her the boob, which usually quiets her down. It did for about a minute before she started crying again. Eventually her crying gave way to shrieking crying, which really scared me. She had been up for a few hours, and Robert and I were getting worried and frustrated. Finally she burped this loud burp and fell straight to sleep. Poor thing, I guess we're not very good burpers. She's been pretty fussy today too. I hope it's not a new thing for her. It's rough holding and rocking a crying baby in vain.

On Saturday I found myself stuck inside bored out of my mind with Robert's mom and aunt, while he hung outside with his cousins and uncle drinking and having a good time. I couldn't help but think to myself, "is this my destiny? To be stuck indoors with moms and aunts and other girls watching crappy movies like The Wedding Date because I'm a mom?" I couldn't just leave Sofia there and go have a good time, but apparently husbands/dads can do that sort of thing. Perhaps I wouldn't have minded leaving Sofia if it was my mom, but I felt weird asking Robert's mom if she could watch Sofia while I went and drank a beer and talked about interesting things. Finally Robert asked his mom to watch Sofia so I could go drink a beer and hang out a bit. It was nice to relax, but I kept listening for the baby and never fully relaxed. Robert managed to get drunk, which was really annoying. Especially when I needed his help to put Sofia to sleep. Another thing that I find continually annoying is when people try to pass off the baby as soon as she starts crying. And it is absolutely the worst when they tack on, "I think she's hungry" or "Do you think she's hungry?". This makes me feel like ripping their heads off. Like it's my problem she's crying. Fucking people. I get that a lot from Robert, and his mom pulled that crap too.


At 1:30 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

I know that "here, she's hungry thing." In fact I posted about it and then changed my mind 'cause it kind of upset The Husband. It helps to ask whoever it is to change the diaper first and then hand her to you.

For the first three or four weeks with my daughter, it felt like I ONLY got to spend time with her when she was fussy since people were grabbing for her at other times. It's hard not to feel like you're a giant feedbag until you realize that you get the most smiles and can calm your baby the easiest. It's worth it.


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