Monday, September 26, 2005

Family Time

Well, it appears Rita wreaked havoc elsewhere. Our area was spared. Unfortunately, someone had to get the worst of it, and it looks like Beaumont and the Lake Charles area got it. New Orleans came away in bad (worse) shape too. Robert has reported to me that there was no damage to our home. I don't even think we ever lost power.

Although our journey out of town was a horrible experience, we made it to San Antonio and the time we spent here has been great. I'm still here with Sofia, but Robert went back for work. It's actually nice that my dad got to see his new granddaughter. I didn't think that would happen until Thanksgiving or Christmas. He is very taken with Sofia. He can hold her for hours and marvels over her perfect little hands and feet and lips and ears. He loves her big eyes. Of course, I think she's beautiful too. She has had many visitors in my parents' house. All of her cousins have come to see her. I didn't really want her making her grand entrance into the world until she was six weeks old, but oh well. We had to work with what we were given. I didn't like all the kids trying to paw at her, but I made sure they all washed their hands and understood that I meant business.

We even went out to dinner with one of my sisters and some friends while we were here. My mom was more than happy to take care of Sofia and kept her happy with bottles of breastmilk while we were gone. I had a margarita at dinner and I swear she slept for what seemed like forever after I breastfed her later. Was it the drink?

I decided to stay a few more days. Robert will come back on Friday to get me and Sofia (he took he cats back with him), and we may trek over to the Austin area to visit more family and show off Sofia at that time. We just haven't decided.


At 8:31 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

When Addy turned six weeks old yesterday I jokingly said that she could leave the house now. Funny how hurricaines mess up the best of intentions. I'm glad that your house is ok. Enjoy your family time!


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