Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Moping Around

Today is just a blah day. Sofia has been sleeping nearly all day. She wakes briefly when I change her diaper and feed her, but falls asleep during her feedings. I'm starting to worry. I also feel guilty beause all I could think this morning was for Sofia to please go back to sleep. And she did. Hopefully she's okay, getting enough to eat, and won't keep us up all night. Most days I'm happy when she sleeps, but today I can still hardly get anything done because I'm obssessed with her.

Breastfeeding is still tough. I keep thinking it's going to get easier, and sometimes it feels like it is, but then I hit a rough spot. Sofia latches on pretty well on my right boob, but my left is apparently not up to her standards. She has a hard time latching onto that one. I have been waiting for a La Leche meeting, and there is finally one on Friday in my area, so maybe I can get some help there. Hopefully I won't get my hopes too high and then come away with no valuable advice. Right now I just feel like I'll never feel confident about it. I'm still always scared that she's not getting enough to eat. She is starting to get a little chub on her legs and has filled out some, but I still can't stop worrying.

My house is still a mess although at least I started on my million loads of laundry. I have a big zit between my mouth and nose, which is depressing me. I have not exercised since that one time last month and I continue to eat like shit. I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, and I'm a little terrified about taking Sofia all on my own, but I know it has to be done. Even if Robert stays home from work tomorrow because he's sick, I will not force him to come with me. I guess I will have to take my tank of a stroller with me, which sucks.

I talked to my mom today. She and my dad miss Sofia terribly. I miss them.


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