Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Once again, tonight I tried watching American Idol while flipping the channel back to another show. This time it was America's Next Top Model. It's going to be a challenge watching both shows if they stay on the same night. Hopefully I can rise to the challenge. Perhaps I need a life? Oh, wait, I'm too tired to do anything BUT watch TV.

Was very distressed to read Kelly's post today. Does this mean no more updates on Adelaide? What will I do? Ack! I was very sad. I hope Kelly continues to post at least every once in a while because I love her blog. First Banal Drivel, now this? Michelle over at BD informed me that she probably wouldn't be blogging for now. I completely understand since I hardly have time to post anything, but I couldn't help but be sad. See, these are the blogs I would read faithfully throughout my pregnancy. These and Beth's and a few others. I loved having someone to "talk" to about the same things I was going through. I loved that when I suffered through the woes of carpal tunnel during my pregnancy that Kelly totally understood because she had it too. I loved that Michelle and all the other breastfeeding moms went through the same painful process of getting the baby to latch on correctly like I did and lived to tell about it. I, too, love having "blog" friends and feel like they're real friends. I will have to keep getting my fix from all the other blogs I read like Alfred's Mom, Sabrina, Beth, Ali and others.


At 8:33 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Don't. Make. Me. Cry. I'll still read yours and make obnoxious comments!

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Sabrina said...

Awww! Thanks for the link back! I saw Kelly's post yesterday and was sad too. There wasn't even a comment box anymore. :( I love reading Chris and Beth too. I really enjoy seeing all the babies around the same age and watching them grow up. A big thanks should go to the gal who has the pregnancyweekly blog for throwing all those links on there for us all to find each other.

I love American Idol. If I wasn't married Chris Daughtry would be mine. LOL

At 8:09 PM, Blogger catbird said...

Chris, it's worth a lot! I love your blog and read it faithfully. Dadcentric too.

Kelly, please continue to stop by! I'll miss reading your blog. You always bring a smile to my face.

Sabrina, you're welcome! I know, I'm going to miss Kelly. And I'm totally addicted to American Idol. Hello, my name is Catbird, and I'm an American Idolaholic.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

I will get a chance to blog soon, you made me sniffle! I will still check in on you, you are the only other working mom I know who is going through the same crap I am. I promise not to fall off the planet! Keep blogging for your own sanity.


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