Five Months
Dear Sofia,
Six days ago you turned five months old. I promise I am not a lazy mother, and I know I probably should have written this sooner, but this week has been crazy and exhausting (most are). I am just glad I got around writing it before you turned six months!
This past month you have grown into a giant smiley baby. You smile ALL the time, and your dad and I LOVE it. You smile when we talk to you, when you wake from the night's sleep or a nap, when you see the cats, when you get your diaper changed. You dislike getting your clothes changed and having your nose wiped so those are a few times when you're not smiling. And when you're, watch out!
You were sick this past weekend (mama's 30th birthday weekend), and we knew something was wrong when we tried and tried to get you to smile and you just looked at us. Like you wanted to smile but couldn't. Sure enough, your doctor said you had picked up some type of virus, but you battled your fever like a champ (with the help of tylenol) and the only thing left of your sickness is a stuffy nose (that you hate having wiped). You hated being at the doctor's office getting poked and prodded. You had your nostrils swiped to check for flu and your finger pricked to check for any bacterial sickness. You screamed bloody murder! It was all I could do to comfort you. Your dad and I both stayed home a day with you this week to be with you as you got over your sickness. You are back to your pleasant smiling self again.
You love to play games like peek-a-boo and the "near/far" game that I borrowed from Sesame Street. I run up to the mirror with you in my arms and say "near" then run backwards and say "far" and repeat it over and over. You like it when I put you really close to the mirror. It makes you laugh, and your laugh is the most wonderful sound in the entire world. You also like seeing your mom and dad jump up and down while yelling "JUMP! This is how we jump! JUMP!" Yes, we look like two crazy people, but you LOVE it! You also love it when I dance around the house with you in my arms.
You have lots of toys, but you I think you love your Fisher Price fish bowl and your aquarium best. Times you have awakened in the middle of the night, your dad will take you over to your crib and let you watch your aquarium. This calms you down. You also love this Winnie the Pooh teething ring that plays the Winnie the Pooh song. You really love anything you can chew on, including your pacifier.

You've become great with your hands! You're really good at picking things up. You can grab the pacifier from our hands and put it in your mouth the right way. You can turn off light switches. You can't turn them on yet, but you can turn them off. You also love grabbing at my face. You grab at daddy's face too. It's sweet the way you smile and grab at our lips or noses or cheeks.
We think you'll be crawling soon, but you're not yet. You can kind of scoot a little if we put you on the bed. And you leave a little drool trail like a snail. It's cute. You don't have any teeth yet either, but you drool and chew on things like crazy.
I have kept you on breastmilk this whole time, and for that I am very proud. Your dad and I are going to start you on solids soon though. We bought rice cereal for you during our last trip to the grocery store. You are so big. At the doctor's office you weighed in at 17 lbs 13 oz!
Sofia, you are growing so fast. Sometimes I wish I could keep you the size you are because you are so beautiful and amazing and perfect just the way you are and I feel like there aren't enough hours in a day to enjoy and love you. But I know that you'll only grow more beautiful and amazing and perfect as you already have. I wish I could spend more time with you, Sofia, I do. I cherish every moment I have with you. Yes, even when it takes over an hour to get you to go to sleep at night. Even when you wake up in the middle of the night and won't go back to sleep. I know how lucky and blessed I am to have such a beautiful, amazing baby in my life. Sofia, I treasure you. You are my world. Always know that your mom and dad love you more than anything in the world.
Awwww sweet letter! I wish we could keep ours small too!
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