I can't believe I actually have a few minutes to write! I just don't know what to do with myself. I am finally recovering from last week, which just turned out to be a truly hellish week. All week I went in at 7 am, which required me to wake at 5:30 am. My usual going to bed at midnight or 1 am just wasn't cutting it, but I just can't seem to go to bed any earlier. It's not that I don't want to, but my nights are consumed with getting ready for the next day. I never understood how hard it was to be a working mom. I know being a mom is just hard, but I've never known exhaustion like this. Work is demanding, home is demanding,
Sunday night I caught the last thirty minutes of Grey's Anatomy (I haven't been able to watch it for weeks because Sofia was going to bed after it started) and I cried and cried watching it. Was it really that emotionally wrenching? Probably not, but I think I just needed an excuse for a good cry. When I thought Bailey's husband might not make it, I just lost it. I mean, the woman was giving birth and her husband might not make it? Gosh, I cried a lot. I needed that. Some days I feel like my soul has been sucked out of me and it's all I can do to keep going. Yes, that sounds a bit dramatic, but hey, I feel dramatic.
The child is beautiful. Her dad took her to the doctor today because she has been coughing a sad little cough lately and has had a runny nose. Maybe we're overreacters, but better safe than sorry I say. She's fine. The doc said it was just a cold. She has two teeth now, and they are some sharp little things! The second is not quite as big as the first but it's getting there. She hasn't bitten me yet, but I can still feel the teeth and they hurt. We also started her on rice cereal these past couple of weeks and she's doing quite well. We also took her on her first trip to the beach the weekend before last. She enjoyed watching the seagulls and the water. Unfortunately it was the not-so-glamourous Galveston beach, but at least there's one nearby.
My child is stirring, so I have to get her back to bed.
I think I cried 4 seperate times during Gray's Anatomy. That really got to me too when I though Bailey's husband wasnt going to make it. It was like watching the circle of life in action with Bailey having the baby as her husband (looked like) was dying. Very SAD.
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