Sofia: Six Months
Dear Sofia,
You turned six months February 24th. I can't believe you are six months old! When people ask how old you are, I can hardly believe it myself when I tell them that you are six months old. But you are. You are no longer the teeny tiny baby we knew months ago. You are a big, beautiful, healthy, happy, curious baby. Why, just today, your dad and I took you to the Cry-baby Matinee at the Angelika Theater and you were one of the biggest babies there. We couldn't believe how small the other babies were.

Gosh, Sofia, this past month you have reached so many milestones. Where do I begin?
Well, you now have two beautiful little teeth. And when you smile you can't miss 'em. And you do. You still smile all the time. And we still love it. I'll never tire of that beautiful smile that lights up your entire face.
You started eating solids this past month. Only cereal really. But you came down with a sinus infection not too long ago and you're taking antibiotics. Since you've been taking them you haven't shown much interest in the cereal. But you still love mama's milk. I'm still breastfeeding you, and I'll do it for as long as I can, because I think it's best for you and I'm thankful that I have been able to successfuly do it for so long while I've been working full-time. We'll work on the cereal more when you're done with the antibiotics. And we'll work on more stuff too, like bananas and sweet potatoes.

You're also "talking" a lot more. You've been doing this since before five months, but lately there's no stopping you. You also screech like a little velociraptor. It's really adorable. You kept doing it at the movies today.
We noticed about a week ago that you started waving. I don't think you've made the connection with "hi", "bye" and waving but you wave all the time. And we're always waving back at you. You've discovered your hands and your feet. You love to chew on your toes. Especially during diaper changes. You hate sitting still for diaper changes and like to wiggle all over the place. The same goes for changing your clothes.
This past month we took you to the beach for the first time and you really enjoyed yourself. We loved watching you watch the seagulls and the ocean.

You're doing really well at daycare. Thriving, really. I'm happy that you love the ladies who take care of you. You are all smiles for them, but when I pick you up at the end of the day you smile ear to ear and your face lights up. It is the most beautiful sight in the universe. I know you are happy to see me and that is the best feeling in the world!
You still sleep in bed with me and your dad, and I don't plan on moving you out any time soon. Maybe that's a mistake, but it just feels right. I love having you close to me all night. Maybe it's because I miss you so much during the days I'm at work. I love the smell of your baby shampoo, and I love listening to your breathing and your little heart beating. It's amazing.

Speaking of sleep, you do well at night. Waking only once or twice to nurse, but you go straight back to sleep. We knew something was wrong a few days ago when you kept waking in the middle of the night crying for a couple of hours. Turned out you had a sinus infection. We had to give you antibiotics, and you hate them, but you still manage to take what you need. I had been wanting to take your pacifier away and have you quit cold turkey, but I haven't done it. I haven't had the heart.
And I'm not sure exactly when it happened Sofia, but you are crawling! At first you kind of scooted along, but you can make it nearly across the room if I take my eyes off you. Sometimes you still lay there and act like you can't crawl, but I've seen you. You are mobile. I have to put pants on you to make sure you don't get rug burn. :)

Each night I look at you, I can't believe you're mine. I can't believe you grew inside my belly. You never cease to amaze me, Sofia, with all that you do. I love you my angel, my Sofia Wia. My Wee. You are the most beautiful, precious, amazing gift in the world. Your daddy and I are very blessed to have you in our lives. I love you with all of my heart and my soul.

She's so beautiful and I can't believe that she's crawling!
She's just so darn cute! I loved all the pics of her! Congrats on 1/2 a year!
My gosh, she is getting so big and grown up looking! She really is a beautiful baby.
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