I'm back!
Yea! I'm online again. Whew! I thought I would go crazy without internet or cable. It's amazing how much I use the internet. And how much TV I watch. I missed the finale of Survivor, but I know Danni won. I missed the finale of America's Next Top Model, but I know Nicole won. You know, the really important shows. And I'm sure I missed a few other finales that I suppose I'll have to live without seeing. Oh, well.
Sofia's grandpa is visiting. He's an Aussie and I used to get a big kick out of his accent when Robert and I were first dating and I met his dad. Sofia screamed bloody murder when she met him last night. Robert said she chilled out today and let her grandpa hold her.
Robert and I got into a big fight the night before last over thank you cards. No, I still haven't written some of the thank you cards from one of my showers in June. I realize this is horrible. I was extremely irritated when Robert's mom "reminded" me a few weeks ago that we had to get them out. No shit. I already knew we had to send them out. Anyway, Robert was cleaning the house for the first time in forever (and only because his dad was coming in the next day) and he came across the abandoned stack of thank you cards on a table and started getting all self-righteous about how I need to write the thank you cards and that he's reminded me countless times, which is bullshit. He never reminds me. I lost it because he made it sound like I just deliberately did not send them out. Like I have all this free time on my hands and he just couldn't believe that I hadn't done it yet. I was also pissed because he made it sound like it was alllll up to me because I'm the girl, etc, etc. This thoroughly pissed me off. And he got mad because the ones that have been sent out were some to my family. These were only sent out because we went to a baby shower for my cousin in October where I knew we would see all the same people who gave us presents, and I sent out a handful of cards to save face. I guess he took it personally and thought I was avoiding sending cards to his family. Idiot. Anyway, I was livid and was throwing things at him. It was all very dramatic. He was a jerk, but apologized last night and appropriately brought me roses. I guess it would have looked really bad if I ignored him while his dad was here. Jerk.
Good to hear you have cable again. I know my dh is the same way thinking I have all the time in the world to do things just because I stay home. At least he realized his mistake and bought you roses. Cute pic!
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