Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I am 37 weeks today!!!! Yea me! This means my little Sofia - if born now - would not be considered premature. This is very exciting. Everyone at work keeps asking me when the due date is. I've already told everyone a million times, but no one seems to remember. I still haven't begun the nesting thing. I'm waiting for the urge to kick in. It's getting a bit ridiculous. We don't even have the pack n play set up yet. We haven't even bought sheets for it! Oh, I got another baby gift today at work from two ladies that I used to work with. It was a bunch of stuff off my Babies R Us registry. I never get tired of the gifts for baby. Anyway, it was very sweet.

I'm really sad that Peter Jennings passed away. He was my favorite anchor for the evening news. I always had a crush on him and would tell everyone that he was my boyfriend. The husband says he's quitting smoking now, which I'm really happy about. Hopefully he can do it. I really don't want him smoking once the baby's here.

The "check engine" lights are now on in both of our vehicles. What a pain. I really hate having to take cars into the shop. It's such a huge inconvenience. Especially because we work so far from each other. Hopefully when we get around to taking them in, it won't be too expensive. I keep thinking of all the expenses we'll have once the baby is here and it's making my head spin. Thank God I plan on breastfeeding. That'll save us a pretty penny. I just hope my nipples forgive me.


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