I should really be in bed already. I have to work tomorrow morning at 6 am. Yecchhh. I hate getting up at 4:30 am. And the rest of the week it looks like I may be going in at 3 am! Oh well, I know that once I do climb into bed I'll be reading anyway. I'm about half way done with Harry Potter. I read quite a bit today and was very proud of myself. Of course, I didn't do much else except eat ice cream and watch TV. A perfect Sunday!
Yesterday we went to our childbirth class at the hospital. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I think Robert and I both got a lot out of it. I feel much more informed about the stages of labor and when I need to book it to the hospital and when I don't. Robert was proud of everything he learned, especially his new found knowledge of mucous plugs and epidurals. Actually the instructor went over epidurals and cesareans in great detail, which was cool. Then we took a tour of the labor and delivery wing of the hospital, and I was delighted to find out that all the rooms are private. There are no shared rooms at this hospital and Robert will be able to spend the night with me in my room along with the baby! Yea! I figured even if my insurance only paid for a shared room that I could pay the difference for a private room, but I'm glad I don't have to worry about it.
I just hope I don't go into labor when I'm home alone and Robert's at work. I have to figure out a plan for that situation. I guess I could always knock on a neighbor's door, except that I don't really know any of the neighbors, and the drive to the hospital is a good 45 minutes from our house.
Gosh, I'm right abour 35 weeks now. I'm starting to get a little nervous. Robert says he's ready. I, personally, would like the house a little cleaner before we bring a baby home to it. On Friday Robert actually cleaned the kitchen and living room, which was nice to come home to. I felt bad because I'd been badmouthing him all day to my coworkers. I just kept envisioning coming home to a mess again and Robert plopped in front of the TV with mess all around him. Thankfully, I was wrong. It was nice not to see dishes overflowing the sink.
Okay, time for bed...
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