Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Baby appointment

I had another baby appointment today. I am now 33 weeks! The morning was kind of shitty. My appointment was at 9:15 am, that's what time I got there. I parked by a meter, but it only takes money for up to an hour, so I ended up getting a ticket because I didn't leave until 11:15 am. About an hour and a half of that was just waiting for the doc to see me, which was really aggravating, especially since I had to pee the whole time, but I held it because I needed to give the pee sample. I have yet to ask if I can do my sample before I get called. Maybe I like living dangerously and just pushing my bladder to its limits. Anyway, the doc kind of rushed through my appointment too, which kind of annoyed me, but whatever. His office was extremely busy. Sofia's heart rate was a strong 148 bpm, and the nurse said she's probably got her head already in the down position because of where she located the heart beat, so that's good. What a trooper my baby is. I went to the doc's alone because husband had to get to work early to work on a buttload of stuff (I gave him a full report via email later in the day). Anyway, I have to go back in two weeks for another appointment and I also scheduled an ultrasound, which will be exciting to see at 35 weeks. I did not gain any weight since my last appointment, which I found to be quite amazing. I'm sure I'll gain about five pounds in the next two weeks to make up for this. I guess the shitty parts of my morning were waiting to pee for such a long time, feeling rushed at my appointment, and getting a fucking parking ticket for $25 (I did, however, do a fabulous job of parallel parking if I do say so myself).

On another note, the Space Shuttle Discovery did not launch today as planned, which was a disappointment for all. I will wait with bated breath.

Oh, last night I woke up with this pain my ring finger. It felt really hard to bend, and then I realized that I had my wedding band on. I always sleep with it, but last night I decided not to risk having my finger amputated and yanked the darn thing off after I realized that this was the cause of my pain. My finger still hurts. It was super swollen. Oh, and the doc told me that taking Tylenol for extreme carpal tunnel syndrome was okay, but also gave me the name of a hand and wrist specialist. I may set up an appointment if I can jump through all the hoops that my health insurance sets up for me.


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