New Job for someone else and Boobs
I found out today that one of my coworkers got a better job with a company in Waco and is leaving in a few weeks. He'll stick around for the next few weeks because we absolutely need him for this period of high activity we're going into at work. This really kind of sucks because he is a very good coworker. You know, kind of goody goody but very competent. I like my job. I like the group I work in for the most part, but it totally lacks cohesion. Everyone kind of seems out for themselves, and there's no "team" feeling sometimes. I blame this on my manager. My manager is like an absentee parent. Because he hardly so much as pokes his head in our cubicle area (yes, I work in a cubicle, very much like Office Space), I think our group kind of suffers for it. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be micromanaged. I came from a job where my manager was way too much into everyone's business and that really sucked. But because our manager is just never around, it seems like the bad habits within our group seem to just grow. You know, we have the guy who comes in at noon everyday. The guy that does his homework at work all day and gets annoyed when people ask him to do real work. The girl who reads blogs all day (oh, wait, that's me)-- well not all day, etc. Anyway, I'm exaggerating to a degree, but hopefully you get the picture. This coworker that's leaving is one of our best. Sucks. Oh well, all the best to him. Waco sucks, but I'm sure they're paying him big bucks.
I was doing a little catching up on my blog reading today and Beth has a pic of her pregnant belly, and she's wearing her regular jeans! What gives? I can barely fit into my maternity clothes now! I wore these pants today that I really like, and they kept sliding down my belly. They just refuse to hold on anymore. It's like they said, "screw this, you're just too fat now" and gave up on me. I can, however, still fit into my regular bras, although they leave little red marks because they are way too tight. I'm not very proud of this. I thought I'd have bigger boobs by now. And they are bigger, but not as big as I thought they'd be. I just really, really hate bra shopping so I have avoided it like the plague. And because I can still (barely) fit into my bras, I wear those and my nice, comfy sport bras. Oh, well.
So, I can't tell if my cat peed while I was away at work, but I did come home to several little piles of cat vomit today. I think I'll leave them for Robert to clean up.
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