Massage me
I got a pregnant lady massage today. One of my friends is a licensed massage therapist and said he'd give me a massage. How could I refuse? I had never had a professional massage done, but it was all very relaxing. I had lots of tension in my shoulder/neck area. The only thing that I mildly worried about was laying on my tummy. I haven't laid on my belly in quite a few months. But there was a special pregnant lady pillow involved with a big hole for my belly. I could feel the little one moving a lot too, so I figured she was okay. Then I could totally relax when it was over and I kept feeling her move. I guess I was just a little scared that I squashed her laying on my belly. I joked with my husband about how I got my butt massaged. He laughed. My friend is gay. Since my friend doesn't own his own preggy pillow for the massage, we did it at the nearby massage school. And they make all clients fill out this form that has information on it that says stuff like the therapist can't touch your boobs or make any lewd suggestions and stuff. I kept snickering as I filled the thing out. And then of course I had to remind my friend that he had to refrain from touching my boobs. No matter how hard the urge struck him.
Unfortunately I have been sick the past few days. Just a mild cold, but it still sucks to be totally stuffed up and not able to smell anything. This, of course, doesn't keep me from eating everything. I still had fried chicken for dinner Tuesday, pizza last night, Thai food for lunch today and some cheap ass Taco Bell for dinner today. And I also had ice cream from the vending machine at work two days in a row. I'm totally out of control. I have noticed, however, that I'm starting to get full sooner. I guess my little one is pressing up on my stomach. We'll see if I gained more weight on Tuesday at my next doc appointment. I can't wait to see that ultrasound!
I have started reading my Harry Potter book, but am going like a snail! I only read a few pages a night before I'm falling asleep. I also bought The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding last weekend and have been reading that too. I bought it at Half Price Books for eight bucks, but it's a sixth edition. It seems pretty informative so far. I read about another book too called Nursing Mother, Working Mother that I want to get.
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